Changing minds.

It is can be frustrating when I notice, someone was about to say something but suddenly changed their mind. Because now I'm wondering what they were about to say. Why did they change their mind? Is it something important to them? Or to me? This is not a criticism. I do not plead they should always speak their thoughts. But sometimes wish, they would get it off their chest. To relieve me of my curiosity at the very least. And sometimes, more often than not, I think I mostly know what the unspoken thought might have been. Having listened to what they were saying beforehand. But, f we really study and understand the fleeting expressions on a person's face, do we really understand them? Or not? Why are some people such good liars? Amd I'm not talking about Trump. He isn't actually a very good liar, he keeps tripping himself up. Sociopaths in general, psychopaths and malignant personalities in particular. These are the really good liars. The ones that can ...