
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Tranny and the 'Great debate community'

Which sounds a bit like Harry Potter, or Tin Tin, or a whole host of Enid Byton novels. In my mind I have already re-named it, the 'safe debate community'. For reasons that might become clear or they might not. I have been a member of this community for a number of years. Never contributed much, mostly a bunch of people showing off their symbolic logic. However, a recent post caught my eye. Not because of the post, but the content of one of the comments, by the original poster. Steve McRae I forget what it was exactly now, but the practical upshot was someone arguing that atheism is a 'belief', or requires 'belief'.  This was still related to the original post, loosley speaking. So off we went. This all became a bit odd, as the complaint was people 'hijacking' his thread. Odd since he introduced the new theme. If the thread had been 'hijacked' it was by himself. The practical upshot of this was another thread popped up on the actual theme...


Some poems they rhyme you know. Though I know I like blank verse. But sometimes I need to show Words into line I can nurse. Not for any reason but just because I can Not just  for a season, A woman or a man. But for the fun of it all Just to see the symbols dance like couples at a ball speaking clear, then in riddles. Words are fun. Words are Joy Words show the one Words shy and coy Rhyming and rhythm, Bouncing on tongues Framing a prism To beat life's drums. And to end in the hope That tied like a rope the words can grope for meaning with scope That entertains and holds A reader in thrall perhaps for a moment perhaps for more.

Biker secret.

Things move in the depths, Strange things, odd things. Things without names Things without form Thoughts Ephemeral Dreams cast upon winds Time drawn in the hollows. Memories. Beauty on two wheels. I rode with him. Arms holding him, Feeling he was mine, Relishing every moment Wind in my hair, Alone with him, On the road. The two of us Together. And then it would end. at my own door. Stepping off the bike. Handing him back His spare helmet. I say "thanks" His beautiful face Smiles at me I melt, If only.. "No problem mate," he says. I smile back. He puts down his visor, That big engine revvs, He turns And is gone Sooner than it takes to write it. And I know soon, Other arms will circle him, On the open road. Arms he will seek For affection and more. And I know I can never have him. And I hide sorrow behind my eyes, As I say Hi To family, Who must not see, A love I cannot tell. And later alone, I weep silently u...